Re: Two questions about bagid

[Restricting thread to RDFcore]

At 02:15 PM 2/11/03 -0800, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>I have a question about implementation of the bagid feature.
>My parser doesn't currently implement it, and so  fails the RDF
>tests which involve it.   The same seems to apply to Ids on
>One curious thing is that I have not yet found a live case which
>which uses bagid to produce the reification suggested in the spec.
>No one on the #RDFIG channel when the question
>was posed yesterday could could really think of an application
>which used it, and no one could really defend its existence as a feature.
>I couldn't by a Google search find any real use on the web.
>(apart from papers about RDF and test cases).
>Is this feature then worth implementing? What does the group think?
>Another question is about the semantics.
>I understand that an id  :i  on the statement  { :superman :can :fly}
>should generate the statements
>:i a rdf:Statement;  rdf:subject :superman;   rdf:predicate :can; 
>rdf:object :fly.
>:superman :can :fly.
>and I might want to use this to generate attribution:
>:lois :thinks :i.
>This would suggest that an owl reasoner (say) that knows that :superman and
>:clarkekent are daml:equivalent should be able to infer that
>:i a rdf:Statement;  rdf:subject : clarkekent;   rdf:predicate :can; 
>rdf:object :fly.
>: clarkekent :can :fly.
>:lois :thinks :i.
>This seems counterintuitive, as one would expect it allow one to conclude
>that the modified statement is due to the original source.
>Some form of quoting around the subject, predicate
>and object would seem necessary.

I agree that bagid doesn't help at all with this issue.

Indeed, I don't think the current RDF semantics (alone), with what I might 
call its "flat space of interpretations", can adequately deal with the 
issues of propositions about attitudes that you raise.

I did some musing about this topic a while ago [1], and had some thoughts 
about extension to the RDF semantics to deal with such issues.  As yet, 
it's gone no further than that document.  Essentially, what I try to do is 
sketch how RDF model theory might extend to cover the kinds of things you 
do with Notation3 formulae.



Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 05:05:27 UTC