Fwd: 2003 Tech Plenary Agenda Now Available

>Resent-Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:11:23 -0500 (EST)
>X-Sender: steve@localhost
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1.1
>Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:12:46 -0500
>To: chairs@w3.org
>From: Steve Bratt <steve@w3.org>
>Cc: member-techplenary@w3.org, w3t@w3.org
>Subject: 2003 Tech Plenary Agenda Now Available
>Resent-From: member-techplenary@w3.org
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>Dear Chairs (and please pass this to your Group members),
>The Program Committee (TPPC) has finalized the Agenda topics for the 
>Technical Plenary on 5 March in Cambridge...
>     http://www.w3.org/2003/03/TechPlenAgenda.html
>Based in part on your input, the TPPC has built an Agenda that we hope 
>will be interesting, educational, unifying and inspiring to the broad 
>range of interests that will be represented in the audience.  Topics include:
>* Why Are We Here?
>* The Impact of Modality Diversity: What does Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, 
>Any Device Access to the Web Really Mean?
>* W3C Glossary: Schema and Tools for Interoperability and Common Understanding
>* Integrating our Products
>* The Evolving Web Architecture
>* One Web or Four?
>* Tech Town Hall
>Please return to the Agenda page in a week, when it will be updated to 
>include descriptions, participants and moderators for each Session.
>The 2003 Tech Plenary meetings week is shaping up to be the biggest (and 
>best, we hope) ever.  Already, we have a record number of Groups booked to 
>meet, and a record number of people registered to attend.  Please remember 
>that attendance registration closed on 26 February.  For further 
>information on the week's activities, please see the main meetings week page...
>     http://www.w3.org/2002/10/allgroupoverview.html
>Best Regards,
>for the TPPC
>Steven R Bratt, Chief Operating Officer       mailto:steve@w3.org
>World Wide Web Consortium                      http://www.w3.org
>MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 200 Technology Square, Room NE43-352
>Cambridge, MA 02139, USA     Voice: +1-617-253-7697     Fax: +1-617-258-5999

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 04:50:02 UTC