Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2003-08-15

(this could do with more ACTION archaeology, but in interests of it 
being late rather than very late...) --dan 

10:00:00 Fri Aug 15 2003 in America/New York duration 90 minutes 

which is equivalent to
15:00:00 Fri Aug 15 2003 in Europe/London

Phone: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)#7332
irc: #rdfcore 

1. Selection of scribe (this week; next week's also sought)

Please could the minutes conform to:

2: Roll Call
Regrets from Mike Dean, Jos De Roo, Brian McBride.

3: Review Agenda

4: Next telecon 22 Aug 2003 1000 Boston Time (60 mins? 90 mins?)

5: Minutes of 08 Aug 2003 telecon 


6: Confirm Status of Completed Actions

ACTION 20030808#4 jjc to put together a proposal for XMLLiteral for \
        joint WG and MD consumption.
closed with:
(detailed text expected to WG before meeting)

ACTION 20030808#6 path to draft a sentence for alternative reification \
        text to go into schema.

closed with:

7: Misc Actions - Status 

20030808#1 jang add <br/> test case (without html namespace)
20030808#2 daveb feedback to raiser wrt <br/> test case
20030808#3 pats draft an FAQ for XMLLiteral via rdf:parsetype= or rdf:datatype=
20030425#10     em      carry xmlsch WG's offer of help wrt xmlsch-12
                        to semantic web coordination group
20030711#4      danc    to get a test case for pfps-09 into OWL test
                        case doc
2003-08-01#4    jang:   respond to daveR on his comments on testcases

8: pfps-11 - Reification vocab proposal 

Towards closing pfps-11

context: dialog w/ Peter,
and group decision last week not to accept his proposed rewording of 
reification vocab description.

Pat's proposed text:
Comments/concerns from Frank:

Can we adopt some variant of Pat's proposal and action Schema editor to 
propose an issue closure? 

9: Implementation Report  

Eric has been working on this. See:
Msg from JJC regarding specific features (reification, collections)

10: Denotation of rdf:XMLLiteral

see thread beginning:

Proposal from jjc:

Please review this, it would be good to decide tommorrow if we can.

	PROPOSE: accept the definition of rdf:XMLLiteral value space from

	and action concepts editors to integrate it in the editors draft, using 
	editorial discretion.

11: I18N Update

I18N are objecting to our current (post-LC) design regarding language 
tagging and XML literals.

B/G Reading:

Minutes I18N Core TF telcon, 2003-08-05

Summary from Richard Ishida
JJC's take on I18N concerns

12: Process - next step? CR/LC2/PR/etc.

   In light of objection from I18N and associating highlighting of 
   changes in our (unpublished) specs post-LC, where does this leave our 
   'next stop PR' aspirations? 

13: Document Status 
  - Primer
  - Concepts
  - Syntax
  - Semantics
  - Schema
  - Test Cases 

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Received on Thursday, 14 August 2003 16:05:30 UTC