Re: French re-translation of RDF Schema and M+S label/comment text

At 09:34 AM 8/8/2003 -0400, Dan Brickley wrote:
>With big thanks to Max Froumentin and other French W3C team members, 
>we now have a fresh translation of the rdfs:label and rdfs:comment 
>text for all RDF Core terms, ie. both schemas.

Thanks, Max and Dan!

>I've commited this into our shadow TR space,

I see this has only one language declaration:

  <owl:Ontology xml:lang="fr" rdf:about=""   dc:title="Le vocabulaire de RDF et RDF Schema." />

and this surprises me.  None of the strings in this document
are declared to be in 'fr' (hmm.  XML question -- does xml:lang
apply to the values of any attributes, such as the dc:title in the
case above?  I dunno.  But I am certain that there's no way an
RDF processor or an XML processor will know the labels and
comments are intended to be in French.)

>... With the RDFS
>namespace doc, we always had an rdfs:seeAlso hypertext pointer to a
>'more info' RDF file, I propose that we use that file, either directly
>or as a multi-lingual table of contents for this and other translations.
>A similar seeAlso pointer could be added to the M+S namespace. I propose
>they point to a single common 'French translation' document for now,
>rather than partitioning it into 2.

yes, this proposal makes sense to me.

>There are also issues / opportunities w.r.t. use of language negotiation 
>of such schemas, but that is too complicated and confusing for me to
>have any clear thoughts on right now.

me too ;)

Received on Friday, 8 August 2003 10:02:21 UTC