RE: tex-01 new proposal

At 15:33 04/04/2003 +0200, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> > On this one, I don't see any harm in having parsers transpose lang
> > tags to lowercase and NTriples only having lowercase lang tags.
> >
>I do not like NTriples being changed in this way, that seems to make things
>worse from the point of view of tex's comment.

I note that the role of (RDF/XML) parsers is to create an abstract syntax 
graph from RDF/XML input, not N-triples.  I think *requiring* parsers to 
case-normalize is over-specification, and I think the case-agnostic view 
for the abstract syntax proposed by Jeremy is about right. [**]

But adopting a convention for N-triples, which is a concrete representation 
of an abstract syntax graph, that case-insensitive values are presented as 
lower case seems to address the other concerns I have heard.


[**]  Note: this doesn't mean that parsers MUST NOT case-normalize where 
appropriate:  that is an implementation decision.

Graham Klyne
PGP: 0FAA 69FF C083 000B A2E9  A131 01B9 1C7A DBCA CB5E

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 05:35:49 UTC