Re: 'Peter proposal' on typed literals

At 11:51 04/04/2003 +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
>This is reversing a previous decision on XML literals being made into
>typed literals with the rdf:XMLLiteral URI as the datatype URI.
>Please can you explain the new information that was brought up
>and the reason for this particular solution.

The "new information" here is that someone outside our group took a look at 
the design resulting from the previous decision and said that it was a mess.

That is not of itself compelling, but I think it's significant because I 
think that within the group we've got to a stage that we feel unable to 
challenge hard-won consensus.  I think that it's significant that someone 
outside the group felt strongly enough to raise an issue that seems to have 
some resonance within the group.

None of these are sufficient reasons to make the changes suggested, but I 
think they are sufficient to suggest reconsideration.


Graham Klyne
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Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 08:12:05 UTC