Re: DECIDED: untidy semantics


> So, rather than the above, we'd have
> ==== untidyP
> @prefix : <untidy#> .
> :Sergey :votes _:a"untidy" .
> :Graham :votes _:b"untidy" .
> ====
> which does not entail
> ==== untidyC
> @prefix : <untidy#> .
> :Sergey :votes _:x .
> :Graham :votes _:x .
> though, given the additional knowledge
> :votes rdfs:range xsd:string .
> a datatype aware RDF application could infer that Sergey's
> and Graham's votes were the same, as it would be able to
> determine that in both cases, the same value is denoted.

right, and I'm not arguing against that
we actually just got that result (*)
after adding following RDFS closure rules

        | IF                    | THEN
:rule2b | ?p rdfs:domain ?C .   |
        | (?t ?s) ?p ?o .       | (?C ?s) ?p ?o .
:rule3b | ?p rdfs:range ?C .    |
        | ?s ?p (?t ?o) .       | ?s ?p (?C ?o) .

my argument is that "xyz" is "xyz" but *not* _:a"xyz"

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA


C:\temp>Euler untidyP /euler/rdfs-rules untidyC
# Generated with on 2002-09-23
12:33:59 PM
# for query file:/temp/untidyC.n3
# given file:/temp/untidyP.n3 file:/euler/rdfs-rules.n3

@prefix log: <> .
@prefix ns: <rdfs-rules#> .
@prefix : <untidy#> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

  <> .
  :Sergey :votes ( _:a "untidy")} log:implies
{:Sergey :votes ( xsd:string "untidy")}.
  <> .
  :Graham :votes ( _:b "untidy")} log:implies
{:Graham :votes ( xsd:string "untidy")}.

# Proof found for file:/temp/untidyC.n3 in 23 steps (2296 steps/sec) using
1 engine

Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 08:57:16 UTC