Re: Datatyping: moving away from "literal as 3-part thing" to "literal as dt+opaque bit"

>[Patrick said, at the telecon, "xml:lang infects everything" as an
>example of this view]

>There should be no "infection"
>of new types by stuff like language properties,

The unicode string in an XML document which gives the lexical form of a 
datatype literal may well be in scope of an xml:lang declaration.

But the current proposals expect the parser to know whether it is parsing an 
old-style literal (in which case xml:lang is significant) or a new style 
literal, in which case it is not.


  <a:prop xml:lang="en" rdf:ltype="&xsd;string">banana</a:prop>

would deliver the value <xsd:string>"banana" and the language declaration has 
no effect. (If you want an xsd:string, you don't get a langstring.


Received on Monday, 2 September 2002 14:16:30 UTC