Re: The first sentence

At 12:21 28/10/2002 -0500, Frank Manola wrote:
>I still like my formulation:

So do I, its pretty close to my suggestion.  The difficulty I have is that 
the sentence in the primer does not make it clear whether it's the RDF 
information thats in the web or the resources that the information is about 
or both.  I was trying to get rid of that ambiguity.  As for dropping World 
Wide - I don't care much - I just prefer fewer words where they will do the 
same job.


>b.  I'm not sure leaving "about resources" out doesn't change the
>meaning slightly.  Anyway, if we say "for representing information in
>the Web", what about those people who use RDF for representing
>information elsewhere (e.g., in files)?

Seth suggested something similar on rdf comments.  We are a W3C working 
group.  We propose recommendations for the web.  If folks want to use them 
elsewhere, that's great.  But I suggest we don't want ietf breathing down 
our necks saying "Ah, so you are defining recommendations for the internet 
are you!  Let me tell you about the process for defining internet standards 

micro-editing again

Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 12:41:33 UTC