Re: Typed literals: current status

Jeremy (the deconstructionist):
> aaa ppp <ddd>lll .
> rdfs-entails
> <ddd> rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .

DanC (unreformed modernist?):
> Gads, I hope not!

Thinking about it, what we were saying was that at the RDF level we were 
treating the datatype-literal thing as a pair (or triple); its's only 
entailment that knows that <ddd> is a datatype that makes anything more of a 
<ddd>lll; this would weaken the entailment to be:


 {ddd a datatype}-entails

<ddd> rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .

that looks a bit better to me.


Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2002 14:32:50 UTC