Re: RDF list semantics

>Reading the message (below) that DanBri forwarded to rdf-comments 
>brought to mind two questions:
>1. Is there some background/conceptual discussion of RDF lists that 
>would be usefully addressed in the Concepts document?
>2. In discussing the semantics of lists, I understand Pat's proposed 
>semantics to assume the existence of *all* possible lists.  Which 
>leads me to suspect undesired entailments; e.g.
>    my:List my:threeFavouriteThings _:x .
>    _:x rdf:first "mostFavourite" .
>    _:x rdf:rest  _:x2 .
>    _:x2 rdf:first "nextFavourite" .
>    _:x2 rdf:rest  _:x3 .
>    _:x3 rdf:first "thirdFavourite" .
>    _:x3 rdf:rest  rdf:nil .
>    my:List my:threeFavouriteThings _:y .
>    _:y rdf:first "mostFavourite" .
>    _:y rdf:rest  _:y2 .
>    _:y2 rdf:first "thirdFavourite" .
>    _:y2 rdf:rest  _:y3 .
>    _:y3 rdf:first "nextFavourite" .
>    _:y3 rdf:rest  rdf:nil .

No, the entailment would only be to the *existence* of that reordered 
list. But the two lists are still distinct, so one of them being 
yourFavoriteThings doesn't entail that the other must be.

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Received on Friday, 11 October 2002 10:27:59 UTC