Re: RDF list semantics


> 2. In discussing the semantics of lists, I understand Pat's proposed
> semantics to assume the existence of *all* possible lists.  Which leads
> to suspect undesired entailments; e.g.
>     my:List my:threeFavouriteThings _:x .
>     _:x rdf:first "mostFavourite" .
>     _:x rdf:rest  _:x2 .
>     _:x2 rdf:first "nextFavourite" .
>     _:x2 rdf:rest  _:x3 .
>     _:x3 rdf:first "thirdFavourite" .
>     _:x3 rdf:rest  rdf:nil .
> entails:
>     my:List my:threeFavouriteThings _:y .
>     _:y rdf:first "mostFavourite" .
>     _:y rdf:rest  _:y2 .
>     _:y2 rdf:first "thirdFavourite" .
>     _:y2 rdf:rest  _:y3 .
>     _:y3 rdf:first "nextFavourite" .
>     _:y3 rdf:rest  rdf:nil .
> Or, using Notation3:
>     my:List my:threeFavouriteThings
>       ( "mostFavourite", "nextFavourite", "thirdFavourite" ) .
> entails
>     my:List my:threeFavouriteThings
>       ( "mostFavourite", "thirdFavourite", "nextFavourite" ) .

(I think that the ','s are not needed)
that's indeed not rdfs entailed
but for instance
  my:favourite a my:threeFavouriteThings .
  my:threeFavouriteThings owl:oneOf (:mostFavourite :nextFavourite
:thirdFavourite) .
  your:threeFavouriteThings owl:oneOf (:mostFavourite :thirdFavourite
:nextFavourite) .
would owl entail
  my:favourite a your:threeFavouriteThings .

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 05:21:00 UTC