Re: email straw poll: literal semantics proposals

At 10:13 08/10/2002 -0400, Frank Manola wrote:


>3.  My vote for F is a 5 because (according to the stated rules) that's my 
>"most preferred".  However, it's got a caveat:  I still don't know what F 
>says about the semantics of untyped literals (see comment 1).

With option F the tidy entailment does not hold:

   <a> <b> "10" .
   <c> <d> "10" .

does not entail:

   <a> <b> _:l .
   <c> <d> _:l .

>4.  Is this straw poll connected in any way with the communication to WebONT?

Only in that they are about the same topic.  I'm just trying to get a sense 
of where the WG is at.


Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 10:21:29 UTC