Re: a low-impact datatypes proposal: rdfs:format

> I think something as complex as this medium-range proposal from HP
> is *crazy* at this point; we really expect users to understand
> a new magic kind of file-scoped triple?

Hmmm, I think you have misunderstood.
There were no "magic .. triple" of any kind in the HP proposal.
The only *triples* were ones that we had already agreed on with the
rdf:datatype mechanism.
The HP proposal is merely an alternative syntax to save typing
rdf:datatype="xsd:integer" many times in the same file. That's it. At least
within the HP community that participated, that was enough to satisfy those
who wanted untidiness that they could live with a tidy solution. And those
who wanted tidiness could accept it, because issues like API compatibility
are exactly the same as for tidy - it is only the parser writers who have to
do anything.


Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 07:52:01 UTC