Re: Datatyping: new medium-range proposal from HP

At 17:19 02/10/2002 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>Summary: use file scope syntactic datatyping mechanism.

I was really pleased to see this proposal, not particularly because of its 
specific merits, but because it suggests that there may be acceptable 
compromise positions around which the WG might be able to build a consensus.

I will allocate some time to discuss this proposal at the next 
telecon.  You might like to think about the following questions:

   o does it better meet collective 'requirements' than tidy or untidy alone?

   o what are its disadvantages?  Are they acceptable?  Do you have a 
suggestion for a modification which would eliminate/ameliorate these 

   o do you have an alternative suggestion that would better meet our 
collective requirements?


Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 04:12:02 UTC