Re: Hang on a second... Re: Datatype test cases: important ones (please have a look)

>[Patrick Stickler, Nokia/Finland, (+358 40) 801 9690, 
>>  ><eg:foo> <eg:bar> "baz"@en^^<datatype> .
>>  ><eg:pop> <eg:bar> "baz"@fr^^<datatype> .
>>  >
>>  >simple-entails
>>  >
>>  ><eg:foo> <eg:bar> _:l .
>>  ><eg:pop> <eg:bar> _:l .
>>  No, it shouldn't.  In simple entailment, the only things known to
>>  co-denote are identical literals, and that 'identical' includes all
>>  the stuff stuck on it.
>>  We can change this, but that's the way it is right now.
>It should be changed/fixed. The above entailment should hold. Any
>application should be able to conclude that any two typed literals
>which have identical lexical form and datatype URI denote the
>same value, irrespective of any lang tag, and that conclusion should
>be possible without any special datatype knowledge. I.e., it's
>just an RDF entailment, not an RDF + datatypes entailment.

But its not valid for rdf:XMLLiteral, as I understand it. And since 
this is now in RDF, some datatyping is included in RDF entailment.


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Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 12:21:19 UTC