Re: weekly call for agenda items

pat hayes wrote:

>> This is the usual weekly call for agenda items for this weeks 
>> telecon.  On my list of possibles I have:
>>   o approve datatype test cases
>>   o issues arising after publication - eds - are there any you need to 
>> discuss
>>   o the last deliverable
> What is the value space of rdf:XMLLiteral?

I defined it as the set of canonical XML documents with rdf-wrapper as the 
root tag.
Perhaps there is a slight lack of clarity in that I am talking about 
Platonic documents rather than actual documents. The "canonical" word sort 
of makes that an angels on pinhead discussion rather than one with any real 

I don't know whether anyone would care to argue whether a document is or is 
not an XSD string. I would think not ... an xsd:string is a sequence of 
unicode code points, whereas a document is a sequence of bytes (a canonical 
XML document is a sequence of bytes in the UTF-8 charcater encoding).

> Can one create a synonym for rdf:XMLLiteral, and if so does it invoke 
> the same datatyping rules??

The question is ...

rdf:XMLLiteral owl:sameIndividualAs <eg:dt> .
_:a <eg:a> "a"^^<eg:dt> .

hmmmm ....

which is easier? we could prohibit it.


Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2002 16:29:46 UTC