Re: Literals are resources [was Re: missing (and incorrect) RDF S axioms]

>Well if literals are resources and all forms of literals have
>unambiguous and consistent global interpretation then
>the only thing blocking them from being subjects is the
>inability to express them as such in the RDF/XML.
>So it would seem to me that insofar as the abstract syntax
>and MT are concerned, literals would be valid subjects.

Right, but that has ALWAYS been the case. The reason for the 
restriction is because literal subjects would break striped RDF/XML; 
its a purely syntactic XML issue. Just one more way that XML helps to 
make all our lives just that little bit worse than they could be.


>_____________Original message ____________
>Subject:	Re: Literals are resources [was Re: missing (and 
>incorrect)    RDFS axioms]
>Sender:	ext pat hayes <>
>Date:		Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:12:14 +0300
>>At 10:52 09/11/2002 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>>><eg:a> <eg:p> "a" .
>>><eg:a> <eg:p> _:b .
>>That just means a bnode matches a resource or a literal.
>Bnodes say that something exists. The above says the literal value
>exists. Things that exist (in RDF) are resources.
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IHMC					(850)434 8903   home
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Received on Monday, 11 November 2002 13:40:01 UTC