More semantic comments

Global sp:
truthvalue or truth-value (both occur)

After figure 1

[["whatever"^^ex:b]] => [["whatever"^^<ex:b>]]

[[1.6 Unlabeled nodes ...]] => [[1.6 Blank nodes ...]]

[[See for a
sumamry and pointers to further discussion on this issue.]]

[[unlabeled nodes]]=>[[blank nodes]] * 2

[[Notice however that since two unlabeled nodes cannot
have the same labal, ]]
[[Notice however that since two different blank nodes are not equal, ]]

before Monotonicity Lemma
Finally, the following is a trivial
<<suggest-add: but important>>
consequence ... entailment,
but it may be worth stating ...
satisfy it.
(I don't think it's appropriate or clear to talk about many implemented 
systems here)

possible spell construing or constructing? subsets of the universe

[[When the RDFS vocabulary is added, ... semantic conditions.]]
suggest-replace (in brackets)
[[(The RDFS part of the formal semantics does cover domain and
range conditions for the properties used in this vocabulary)]]

Given that you have gone for the MAY vocabulary on extensions, I think 
in 3.3 you are trying to say:

[[.. lesser burden on implementors ]]
Semantic extensions MAY strengthen the semantics to iff.

[[There is however no way in current RDF to specify exactly ...]
[[It does not specify exactly ..]


I found the following unintelligible, possibly because I don't have 
access to the XSD example in your (or mayber Peter's) head.

[[Users shoudl take care to distinghuish the value space ...
identical when viewed as class members.]]

[[Implementors who wish to check any kind ...
backchaining on the clousre rules, for example.]]

(any normative suggestions about impl techniques may degrade the value 
of others)

That's it - no more comments at this stage.


Received on Monday, 11 November 2002 07:45:14 UTC