Re: Model theory review, thumbs up

At 02:19 PM 11/9/02 -0600, pat hayes wrote:
>>Given that the D-interpretation is defined in terms of a given set D of 
>>datatypes, it seems to me that it should be possible to define some rules 
>>in terms of the L2V of those datatypes (which I take to be equivalent to 
>>"consulting the datatype sources").  I don't have time right now to think 
>>this through, but it would be interesting to see if there's something 
>>more satisfying (sic) that can be said here.
>I think it can be said in terms of large/countable sets of equations. I 
>will try to make some useful remarks along these lines: check the doc in a 
>few hours to see.
>No doubt one ought to talk about facets, but I really have trouble 
>following the XML docs at that point. Ive been using numbers all my life 
>and I never noticed they had facets before.

I'm not sure that we want to get drawn into facets here... that would seem 
to make the datatyping very XML-schema centric, rather than having the 
schema datatyping as primus inter pares.


Graham Klyne

Received on Sunday, 10 November 2002 06:47:22 UTC