Model theory review, thumbs up

Reviewing [1]:


My report to the group is that this is fit to publish.

I would prefer (but don't insist) that 2nd para of section 1.3 is not included.

Other comments below are non-editorial, in the sense that I felt they might 
impact how the document was understood.  But none of them are essential.


Section 1.2:

Note that "character string" is a sequence of Unicode characters?

[Later: I see this is mentioned in 0.2]


Section 1.4:

Para 2:  following the definition of simple interpretation, I think it is 
the case that there are no practical uses for it (all RDF graphs being 
subject to at least RDF-entailment)?


Section 1.4:

5th para states "assume that LV is a subset of IR"

item 2 says:  powerset of IRx(IR union LV)

surely the latter is now redundant, and could read powerset of IRxIR ?


Similarly, mention of "y in IR or LV".


Section 3.2.1

Para 2 mentions "I(aaa) is a token of an RDF triple"

Para 4 has "when x is an occurrence of an RDF triple with the form"

The latter suggests to me that the RDF triple has to actually *occur* 
somewhere, and some might think that means the graph under 
consideration.  My suggestion is to change the text in para 4 to 
read:  "when x is a token of an RDF triple with the form"

Para 6 also talks about "a triple in a particular RDF document", again 
suggesting the triple actually exists unreified, which I think it may 
not.  (e.g. If my document said "Bill rdf:type ex:Clown" then Bill might be 
upset with me.)  Suggest:  "a occurrence or notional occurrence of a triple 
in a particular representation of an RDF graph".


Section 3.2.1

I'm uneasy about trying to tie the intended interpretation of reification 
to a concrete syntax.  In the preceding para, you discuss "apply the 
interpretation mapping again to get the referent...".  Doesn't the 
interpretation mapping apply to the abstract syntax, not a concrete syntax?


Section 3.2.3

Final para, "should always describe a linear sequence", reads as if lists 
containing lists are not recommended;  I don't think that's intended, and I 
have used lists in which some of the elements are themselves lists.


Section 3.4

Para 3 says "datatype aware RDF engine should ... recognize ... and the set 
of all the XML schema datatypes".  All?  There seems to be a fair bit of 
stuff there that doesn't really apply (e.g. ENTITIES).  I think this could 
be limited to the primitive datatypes 
(, and maybe 
the derived integer types.


Section 3.4

The ^^ notation appears here without, as far as I have noticed, any prior 

(Section 0.2 introduces typed literals as pairs.)


Section 3.4

I observe that the treatment of invalid literals means that one can 
legitimately construct an interpretation in which invalid typed literals 
have useful meanings;  e.g. that a property extension for p might be 
arranged so that whenever:

    s p "10"^^xsd:integer .

is true, then

    s p "ten"^^xsd:integer .

is also true.

(I don't think this is a problem, just observing.)


Section 4.3

I find myself uneasy about the lack of any form of entailment lemma for 
datatype closures.

Given that the D-interpretation is defined in terms of a given set D of 
datatypes, it seems to me that it should be possible to define some rules 
in terms of the L2V of those datatypes (which I take to be equivalent to 
"consulting the datatype sources").  I don't have time right now to think 
this through, but it would be interesting to see if there's something more 
satisfying (sic) that can be said here.


Appendices not checked.


Graham Klyne

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2002 08:59:17 UTC