another MT point for reviewers

There needs to be a bit more discussion in the datatyping section 
pointing out that a graph can be kind of inconsistent in a datatyping 
interpretation, eg by having

aaa ppp "345"^^xsd:integer .
ppp rdfs:range xsd:string .

I propose to add a paragraph or two about this, using the term 
'datatype clash' to refer to it. The inconsistency doesn't use range 
datatyping, notice, and it presumes that XSD will be able to 'tell' 
RDF that xsd:strings cannot be xsd:integers, so it is rather a 
delicate point.

I think its important to say this explicitly since this is the first 
place where one can have an unsatisfiable RDF graph.


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Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 13:12:04 UTC