Re: Review of Datatyping content in Primer

At 13:43 04/11/2002 -0500, Frank Manola wrote:


>I take your point, and I can certainly move the condition up to the
>preceding set of bullets (which are not explicitly designated as
>"required", although that could be changed).  However, to what extent do
>you think RDF can actually impose and test these requirements?  In other
>words, it seems to me that someone can create a typed literal and cite a
>URI for the datatype, with no guarantee that the datatype actually meets
>these conditions.  How does RDF validate the requirement you are talking
>about?  We might say that if the datatype *doesn't* satisfy these
>conditions, things are going to get screwed up, but that's not the same

It is not a member of the class rdfs:Datatype if it does not meet the 
required conditions.  We can't say that in RDF, but I'm not sure that matters.


Received on Monday, 4 November 2002 14:34:02 UTC