RDF/XML Syntax Working Draft updates after comments

I've folded in some of the comments from Jeremy and Graham
into the version now at
  CVS version 1.225

which is in summary:

  Lots of minor word changes, fixes
  Section 2: Added simple RDF/XML examples to illustrate some points
  Section 3: Link to definition of document order
             Updated InfoItems note with respect to
             parseTypeLiteral and Exclusive XML C14N
  Section 3.1.2: Delete all other xml* attributes
  Section 3.5: Reword first reference to Qnames to be less clumsy.
  Renumber 3.9/3.10 as 3.5/3.6 (missing sections)
  Section 4.2: More introduction here and introduce the grammar form
               before getting to the table
  Section 4.3: Deleted, merged into 4.2
  Section 5.13: Try to strengthen comment on only 2 types of parseType value.

I've also made the following editorial changes:

  Added primer reference
  Added graph diagrams from primer, slightly edited
  W3C style and spelling

Remaining editorial bits to do are:

  Update abstract, status, changes section

plus document production stuff.


Received on Friday, 22 March 2002 07:44:51 UTC