RE: Unasserted triples, Contexts and things that go bump in the night.

> >> Another possibility is to allow certain namespaces to be declared to
> >> be dark, so that any triple using a property from a dark namespace is
> >> considered to be unasserted. Again, this does not require any change
> >> to the syntax, but only some extra conventions to be added to the
> >> language.
> >>
> > This could be a namespace prefix rather than the namespace e.g.
> >
> >
> > <rdf:RDF xmlns:eg=""
> xmlns:egdark=""
> >        rdf:darkPrefixes="egdark">
> >    <rdf:Description eg:aserted="foo" egd:unasserted="bar" />
> >
> > </rdf:RDF>
> >
> > Jeremy
> This becomes problemmatic (in a practical sense) if we want to
> use the same vocabularies for both asserted and unasserted
> statements.

A fair point ... my example is bad stylistically, but does show that the XML
syntax is as flexible as the n-triple syntax.

> An alternative:
> How about an element rdf:Expression (or some such) which is in all
> other ways identical to rdf:Description except that statements
> are not asserted. E.g.
>    <rdf:Expression rdf:about="#Bob>
>       <ex:age>35</ex:age>
>    </rdf:Expression>
> gives us
>     :Bob ex:age "35" ;
> or
>     - :Bob ex:age "35" .
> This doesn't require any significant changes to current parsers
> and the only modification is to activate a flag when seeing
> rdf:Expression rather than rdf:Description and add the non-asserted
> punctuation when outputting the triples.

This too is a fair syntax ....

I suspect somewhat more confusing though ...

We still can get the confusion of using the same vocab both ways ...


  <rdf:Expression rdf:about="#Bob>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="#April>

and would need clarity about embedding


  <rdf:Description rdf:about="#April>
       <rdf:Expression rdf:about="#Bob>
          <ex:bar ex:doublyEmbedded="??"/>

that clarity could be done (I would favour a one level reading like for


Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 06:33:34 UTC