Re: NTriples proposed changes summary

>>>Graham Klyne said:
> At 11:27 AM 3/15/02 +0000, Dave Beckett wrote:
> >So although Tim has raised a problem with using '-' in the proposed
> >changes, I feel we should make this change for now.  We can revisit
> >this later and tweak the format again if and when we get a better way
> >to resolve this encoding of lang-strings (or we make some other change).
> I don't feel strongly about this, but in view of Tim's comment would offer 
> this suggestion (for use now, later or never):
>    literal  ::=  plainstring | langString | xmlString
>    plainstring   ::= '"' string '"'
>    langString   ::= 'lit(' '"' string '"' ',' language ')'
>    xmlString    ::= 'xml(' '"' string '"' (',' language)? ')'
>    language     ::= character+  excluding ',', '(', ')' and ws
> I think this avoids confusion with N3 (...) because N3 syntax has that only 
> at the start of a statement.  For greater safety, maybe reserve 'xml' and 
> 'lit' as keywords?

I came up with a suggestion very similar to that earlier.  However I
don't want to have to wait to hear what the N3 developers want to do
(such as any plans for the use of round brackets or predicate-type
things) and so again, lets go with what I currently proposed.  

Then we can move forward and get issues closed; which requires test
cases; which requires a test case format that can encode them.

We don't need to get the perfect test file format first (or nth) time
around, just sufficient for now.


Received on Friday, 15 March 2002 09:15:28 UTC