RE: Proposed NTriples changes for literal notation

> >   * Provides only one way to encoded the literal-structures
> >     and so in that sense is canonical.
> Also good - simple-minded applications may still do string
> comparison, right?

Hmmm, ....

we still have to decide that, ....

>   xml("<b>foo</b>")              XML content, no language
what about xml("<b >foo</b>") is this:
a) not legal ntriple
b) legal but different from xml("<b>foo</b>") (and not representable in
c) legal and the same as xml("<b>foo</b>")

Personally I prefer (c), but I think it is better for the group to not make
this decision until after we have completed the xml literal issues.

For our test cases I think we can choose appropriate canonical strings, so
this needn't slow us down at all.


Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 00:03:11 UTC