Re: editorial guideline: representing triples

On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 10:26, Brian McBride wrote:
> It has been suggested that we adopt a common notation across all the specs 
> for representing triples.
> I suggest we use legal n-triples with the addition that a URI can be 
> represented as a qname without angle brackets, e.g.
>    _:a rdf:type rdfs:Class .

Gee, that looks familiar. 1/2 ;-)

i.e. yes, I support this guideline.

> The notation should be explained in the primer which should include a list 
> of standard prefixes.  The other documents should reference the description 
> in the primer.

As input to the RDF primer, I'll note that lots of people have
learned N3 syntax from the N3 primer alone, without further
assistance. You may find some text there that you can use...
the section that covers the qname shorthand for URIs is

I tried to find a particular paragraph or two that you could
steal, but the explanation of the qname shorthand is
kinda context-sensitive.

> Brian
Dan Connolly, W3C
office: tel:+1-913-491-0501

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2002 11:55:32 UTC