Re: Parser mods to support rdf:dtype and rdf:lform

>>>Patrick Stickler said:
> Oops. The variants
>   <dc:date rdf:value="2002-02-14" rdf:dtype="&xsd;date"/>
>   <dc:date xsd:date="2002-02-14"/>
> should produce different triples
>   xxx dc:date _:1 .
>   _:1 rdf:value "2002-02-14" .
>   _:1 rdf:dtype xsd:date .  (note the URIref, not literal)
> and
>   xxx dc:date _:2 .
>   _:2 xsd:date "2002-02-14" .
> OK?

Yes, and I said that the above would need 1 syntax / parser change in
order to get the first variant to work:

   rdf:dtype must generate statements with a URI-ref value, when used
   as an attribute

(more likely rdfs:dtype, but that's another thing)

So, for example adding words to the syntax WD such as in

  5.5 Production NodeElement

adding words of the form:
  * If there is an attribute a in propertyAttr with a.URI = rdf:dtype
    then the following statement is added to the model:

     e.subject.string-value <a.URI> <a.string-value> .

and so on in the same places rdf:type has a special case (just 5.14 I


Received on Friday, 15 February 2002 06:33:42 UTC