F2F Objectives and Agenda

I've placed a preliminary agenda for the F2F at:


I suggest for objectives we focus on:

   1)  Clearing all the outstanding M&S issues

   2)  Planning for last call through to Rec

Last time, we had volunteers to do short (15min) presentations on stuff of 
interest.  These were I think interesting and helped to provide a pleasant 
break from discussing issues all the time.  So I'd like to do the same 
thing again.  I'm looking for volunteers; the deal is:

   o we'll fit them in depending on how the schedule is going and how
     folks are feeling

   o there's no guarantee you will be called, so don't do any preparation

Let me know if you'd be up for it, and a hint about the topic.

As always, suggestions and comments on the agenda are welcome.


Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2002 15:12:17 UTC