Re: Outstanding Issues

At 17:05 12/02/2002 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:

>True.  Hmmm, model theory question.  If we define a property of 
>containers, say rdfs:size which is the number of members, does:
>      _:a <rdfs:size> "10" .
>      _:a <rdf:_11>   <foo> .

Oh *?**&^%$.  Just when you think you've got an independent issue in RDF, 
something else will slide a tentacle through a gap somewhere and link to 
it.  I guess the value of rdfs:size would be an integer, not a numeral, thus:

     _:a <rdfs:size> _:s .
     _:s <rdf:value> "10" .

or whatever.


Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2002 14:39:07 UTC