Re: Dublin Core and multiple element concern

>   2 Ntriples+ (with lang-strings):
>     <thing> dc:title "title of thing"(en) .

As pointed out to Pat's message, this doesn't work
because the literal itself is not English. It may
have an English interpretation in a particular context
but the literal itself, theoretically, could have
meaning in multiple languages.


> The DC idea being referred to here was historically labelled "dumbing
> down".  This was for DC applications just looking for literals about
> a resource (node) for some purpose, they follow the rdf:value arcs
> until they get a string, and use that.  It is a flattening algorithm
> for all the properties of a resource.
> See 3.2 of

I have the sinking suspicion that both the DC "poor man's"
approach and the dumbing down principle, may need to be
rethought and/or refined in terms of typed data literals
rather than the present basis of strings that are presumed
to have globally consistent meaning (but, based on all
that has come out of these datatyping discussions,
actually don't).

But that's quite another discussion entirely, and one
for the DC lists.



Received on Friday, 8 February 2002 04:42:26 UTC