Re: why not take just the 2 ???


> > well, one can with the axiom [*]
> > { ?s ?p ?o . ?p rdfs:range xsd:int,lex } ->
> >   { ?s ?p [ xsd:int,map ?o; rdf:dtype xsd:int,val ] }
> Sorry, no.

You are right, forget about this rule
It is completely wrong (for several reasons,
one cannot share ?p and also the , is nonsense)


ps 1 URI (in S) seems to maybe working e.g.
     :Jenny :ageL [ xsd:int "30" ] .
     :Jenny :ageG "30" .
     :ageG rdfs:range [ is rdfs:range of xsd:int ] .
   but indeed :ageL and :ageG are different properties

Received on Sunday, 3 February 2002 18:00:00 UTC