- From: Dave Beckett <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 11:08:52 +0100
- To: Patrick Stickler <patrick.stickler@nokia.com>
- cc: RDF Core <w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org>
>>>Patrick Stickler said: > > Thanks, Dave. > > Your examples are very similar to the ones I am now > using in the updated DT (almost) WD. I'll add them to > the DC use case appendix. > > Pat is now reviewing the latest revision of the WD and > should post it to the list in time for Friday's telecon. In > the meantime, if anyone wants to see the latest snapshot, > it's at http://www-nrc.nokia.com/sw/rdf-datatyping.html Hmm, it seems you are using rdf:type on literals which frankly I find disgusting ;) I think that would be difficult to explain to users, illegal in the current rdf/xml so will break things (new rdf: things tend to slide by) and probably confusing and tricky to think about since rdf:type would be used for both a real rdf:Property and a "syntax thing" like rdf:about. I used rdf:dtype in my example, but maybe rdf:ltype would be better. Legal already and means something entirely different: <foo:prop rdf:type="&xsd;decimal"/> <foo:prop rdf:type="&xsd;decimal"/></foo:prop> New ideas: <foo:prop rdf:type="&xsd;decimal">10</foo:prop> -- Compare to above, I see confusion. <foo:prop rdf:dtype="&xsd;decimal">10</foo:prop> <foo:prop rdf:ltype="&xsd;decimal">10</foo:prop> -- pick one. I read "literal type" of latter as a bit better I don't propose we go anywhere near these for datatypes in this version of RDF/XML: <foo:prop rdf:ltype="xsd:decimal">10</foo:prop> -- No adding qnames to the syntax without serious thought. Do this with proper consideration in future work. <foo:prop xsi:type="xsd:decimal">10</foo:prop> -- xsi:type is for XML schema to define, not us. Plus this restricts to only XSD datatypes, and doesn't use URIs for identifiers, unless we map xsd:decimal to the URI for that (http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal), which isn't what XSD does. Ah well. Just don't, ok? > In a nutshell, it's the stake-in-the-ground, but with the > explicit typed literal nodes and untidy literals (the latter > now being considered both a requirement of OWL as well > as being the majority preference of the RDF community). > > Note that it is less than half the size of the previous > revision, owing to the fact that it is based on the > existing rdf:type and rdfs:range semantics. Well, rdf:type above isn't being used in that manner. > This updated (almost) WD should be considered a > proposal to be ratified by the WG and is not (yet) > presumed to reflect WG consensus. It's in WD form > to save editing time and effort so that when the WG > signs off on it, it's ready for publication. Looks ok to me. I'd like to see a list of (resolved/unresolved)a issues somewhere in an appendix, linked to WG decisions, if possible. -- With respect to N-Triples changes for datatyping, I don't like using different quotes ' vs " - that's very prone to error especially in small fonts. N-Triples has a "only 1 way to encode this" model and I'd like to keep that for now. The 'xsd:decimal' qname-like form gives two ways and since there is nothing in the RDF model or datatypes almost WD that requires this, I propose not adding it. In the future, it would be sensible to consider doing this (like N3) and use it throughout for all URIrefs including allowing defining the namespace prefix/uri-ref mapping (like N3) and so on. But not now. So, keeping those in mind I give you the minimalist change: non-XML literal "25" non-XML literal with lang "25"-en URIref typed non-XML literal <http://example.org/foo#integer>"25" URIref typed non-XML literal + lang <http://example.org/foo#integer>"25"-en XML literal xml"<a>Foo</a>" XML literal with lang xml"<a>Foo</a>"-en URIref typed XML literal <http://example.org/foo#a>xml"<a>Foo</a>" URIref typed XML literal + lang <http://example.org/foo#a>xml"<a>Foo</a>"-en I'd like clarifying if datatyped literals can have languages. Please add this as an issue. At present I don't see them, so the above <uriref>"25"-en and <uriref>xml"25"-en forms may not apply. Dave
Received on Thursday, 22 August 2002 06:09:07 UTC