Re: 2002-04-16 RDF Datatyping WD submitted for review by WG

At 05:14 PM 4/18/02 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
>Right, I take your point and agree. On the other hand there is a link to 
>rdfs:range in that the datatyping constraints are applied to the object of 
>the property rather than the subject, so the 'pointed end' association is 
>similar to rdfs:range (instead of rdfs:domain). Its not a very logical 
>connection, but I bet users will find it a useful association. That is why 
>I rather liked the 'drange' or 'dcrange' idioms, which had a kind of 
>range-ish flavor but didnt actually say 'range'.
>How about rdfd:dtype ??  I really just want it to be more visually 
>distinct from the class name: it's too easy to make typos at present.



   rdfd:dlexRange   or   rdfd:dlexType   or   rdfd:dlexFormat



Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 19 April 2002 04:56:31 UTC