Re: 2002-04-16 RDF Datatyping WD submitted for review by WG

>The first complete draft (excluding introductory and non-normative
>material) is available at
>and is presented to the WG for review.

Impressive piece of work, but Im afraid Im not happy with it in this 
form. I would prefer to avoid all talk of 'contexts' (ill-defined and 
potentially confusing) and 'datatyped literals' (which aren't in the 
current proposal.) I don't know what 'designate' means. Several 
sections are I think genuinely wrong, most notably 7.1.4.

I'll try to respond to the red technical points tonight or v. shortly.

Minor point. I know Im going back on what I said before, but now I 
see all the examples (congrats on those, BTW) I find the closeness of 
rdfd:datatype and rdfd:Datatype rather anxiety-producing.  (Does 
anyone else agree?) I think we should either go back to rdfd:range or 
something truly different like rdfd:typeCheckOnRange.

Maybe rdfd:drange would be peculiar enough?


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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 18:33:30 UTC