Re: Missing support for datatype property idiom in datatyping MT?

>Should the datatyping MT include the following, to specify the
>interpretation of the blank node and literal for the datatype
>property idiom?
>For any literal "LLL", if E contains the triples
>    <ddd, rdf:type, rdfd:datatype>
>    <bbb, aaa, ccc>
>    <ccc, ddd, "LLL">

Is this the new Ntriples notation? (Did I miss something?)

>then I(ccc) = L2V(I(ddd))("LLL") is defined

I think the best way to do this would be to say that there just is a 
notion of a datatype, that L2V is always defined on datatypes (both 
being global semantic assumptions) and the semantic condition on 
rdfd:datatype is that ICEXT(I(rdfd:datatype)) contains only 
datatypes. Then the rest follows from this. That would be preferable 
to imposing an extra semantic condition onto rdf:type.

The corresponding API would be that whenever it finds or concludes a 
triple of the form

ddd rdf:type rdfd:datatype .

a datatyping RDF engine ought to take the uriref <ddd> and try to 
find its datatyping specification in some usable form, and complain 
if it can't find it.


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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 17:21:19 UTC