Re: Datatyping in Dublin Core

On 2002-04-13 0:29, "ext Aaron Swartz" <> wrote:

> To see how the datatyping proposal works for Dublin Core, I decided to
> convert the examples in the "Encoding Schemes" section of the Dublin Core in
> RDF Draft[1] to the new datatyping proposal.
> Open questions I have are noted in the comments.
> [1]
> *** EXAMPLE 1 ***
> _:page dc:subject  _:a .
> _:a    rdf:type    dct:MESH .
> _:a    rdf:value  "D08.586.682.075.400" .
> _:a    rdfs:label "Formate Dehydrogenase" .
> becomes
> _:page dc:subject  _:a .
> _:a    dct:mesh   "D08.586.682.075.400" .
> _:a    rdfs:label "Formate Dehydrogenase" . # @@ a better datatype for this?

This appears to be consistent with DC practice.

Should the property dct:mesh actually be dct:MESH? since that
is the URI (qname) of the datatype in question?

As an aside... (really ;-)

Per I would say

      rdfs:label "Formate Dehydrogenase" .

This way, you only have to define the label once, rather than for every
single occurrence of the datatype value.

Of course, this also encourages one to just say

     dc:subject <val:(> .

but we won't go there ;-)

> *** EXAMPLE 2 ***
> _:page dc:language _:a .
> _:a    rdf:type    dct:RFC1766 .
> _:a    rdf:value  "EN" .
> _:a    rdfs:label "English" .
> becomes
> _:page dc:language _:a .
> _:a    dct:RFC1766 "EN" .
> _:a    rdfs:label "English" .
> *** EXAMPLE 3 ***
> _:page dc:coverage _:a .
> _:a    rdf:type    dct:Point .
> _:a    rdf:value   _:b .
> _:b    rdf:type    dct:DCSV .
> _:b    rdf:value   "name=Perth, W.A.; east=115.85717; north=-31.95301" .
> becomes
> _:page  dc:coverage     _:a .
> _:a     dct:DCSV       "name=Perth, W.A.; east=115.85717; north=-31.95301" .
> dc:DCSV rdfs:subClassOf dct:Point . # @@ is this right?

At first glance, it looks OK. This presumes that the value space of
dct:DCSV is a subset of the value space of dct:Point (though there
need not be any intersection of their lexical spaces).

It's nice to see the datatyping proposal resulting in some
compression of the DC idioms ;-)


Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Saturday, 13 April 2002 01:12:00 UTC