Re: Charmod-Literal

At 19:34 03/04/2002 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>Last telecon the charmod literal issue (number 13) collapsed because DanC 
>didn't like the erratum process that was being proposed.
>I wanted to have another go basically aiming at a similar resolution, 
>using grey test-cases.
>I am using HTML/UTF-8 to try and prevent the funny characters getting munged.

I like the test cases approach Jeremy.  It greatly helps to clarify the issue.

The thing that struck me was whether these cases were expressing rulings 
about RDF/XML or about the graph syntax, e.g. is a literal beginning with a 
combining character black, white or grey in the graph syntax.


Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 06:16:21 UTC