Re: subject: ACTION 2001-09-21#5 subPropertyOf cycles

>>  "A more formal specification of the meaning is given in the model theory"
>>  I don't recall this point being explicitly addressed by the MT;  would it
>>  be more accurate to say "... given by the model theory"?
>Fine with me.  Once again, the model theory doesn't talk explicitly
>about class cycles either, if I remember correctly.  What it does do it
>define what classes and properties (or rather, their extensions!) are
>made up of.
>Inferring what a cycle means is left as an exercise for the reader.

Right, although now we have decided that cycles are legal, it might 
be helpful to insert a remark to the effect that a subClassOf cycle 
(obviously :) implies that the classes in it are equal. I resisted 
the temptation to do this while there was the possibility that we 
might keep them illegal.


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Received on Friday, 28 September 2001 00:09:16 UTC