Re: Ampersand Test Case Description (was: 2001-09-21 Minutes)

I talked to Aaron about this via IRC.  When Aaron's browser
displays the test case:

the ampersand's numeric character reference is displayed as the 
sequence of characters:

 'ampersand' 'a' 'm' 'p' ';'  [this seems like a browser bug
                               to me]

Anyway, we agreed that most of my original text along with 
some of Jeremy's suggested wording was acceptable.  The modified
text is below.  Since this apparently will be an agenda item
for this Friday's teleconf, I have not changed the file.


Description: the purpose of this test case is to show 
how one of XML's Predefined Entities - in this case the 
ampersand - is represented when it is used in the value of 
an rdf:about attribute.  The ampersand is represented 
by its numeric character reference as specified in:

In the associated N-Triples file, the ampersand will be
represented with a single ampersand character (and not the
ampersand's numeric character reference).  

Note: when a XML/HTML browser is used to display this file, 
a single ampersand character may be displayed and not the 
ampersand's numeric character reference.  In this case, the 
browser may provide an alternate way to view the file (such 
as viewing the file's source or saving to a file).

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2001 16:56:34 UTC