Re: A proposal for entailment tests

>>   [ tc:graph g1, g2, g3 ] tc:entailrdf [ tc:graph g4 ].
>> describes the RDF entailment of the graph g4 given the
>> graphs g1, g2 and g3
> Since the set of graphs on both sides of the entailment is
> closed, would not a list be more appropriate for enumerating
> them?

Well, the set is not closed at the LHS.
One can always add extra graphs at the LHS and the
RHS is still entailed (monotonic feature).
The RHS is a single graph.

I have to think about the rest of your message
  Jos de Roo: Write up something to describe these entailment
  tests (with help from Pat)
  Jan Grant: Write up proposal for an RDF test case manifest
  Art Barstow: Collect the above materials for inclusion the RDF
  Test Cases WD
]] --
seems very close!


Received on Sunday, 23 September 2001 15:26:53 UTC