RDF Schema work-in-progress, URL


I've found a little time this week to get moving on RDFS again. Not a huge
amount of progress to show, but a URL for the current (evolving) copy of
the document.

      This document is an internal Working
      Draft of the World Wide Web Consortium RDF
      Core Working group. This text is undergoing active
      editorial work and is subject to change; the
      draft you are looking at is an evolving snapshot for the RDFCore WG  to consider. TODO
      items are marked @@TODO; these all need to be addressed
      before wider circulation. Specifically, this text does not
      yet reflect all of the decisions made during the RDF
      Core meeting of Aug 1st-2nd.

The previous internal WD version is now frozen at:
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/Schema/20010618/ and constitutes the
document in its first "RDF Core" incarnation. The new URL given above will
be where the doc will evolve until we have something that starts to look
like a release candidate.


 - have been pretty minimal...
 - Shortened! The old, outdated, scope section has been cut; the text may
   be useful for the forthcoming Primer, and new scoping text, for example
   anticipating future Web Ontology language work, may need adding.
 - editorial task list added to Status section (diffs / CVS logs available
   on request, as the changes are folded in)
 - the XHTML tidied, indented properly (using tidy -m -asxml -indent)
 - I've begun to extract the RDF examples, for validation and, perhaps,
   to include in the test suite
 - the "subProperties inherit conjunctively" decision has been reflected
   in the text
 - outdated portions (eg. old forward-refs to the XML datatypes work) have
   been flagged with @@TODO in the text

My current attention is on a rewrite / reorganisation of section 3.0 to
reflect the new semantics for domain and range, and to improve general
readability. The text is currently IMHO a mess, and needs a makeover.

Currently I'm working on folding in the main new change to the spec:  the
newly meaningful domain/range constraints.

I don't like the current example (Van/Car/etc) as a way of introducing and
explaining domain and range; it doesn't really help. So I am thinking an
example closer to the domain/range diagram from the old MCF spec,
see http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-MCF-XML-970624/#sec2. will make for a more
readable and understandable spec. I'm working on a new version of the
domain/range part of the spec with this in mind, will have something out
over the weekend for your consideration.

A related question: the figures in the spec all need updating. To date we
have been using MS Word Draw, and this is starting to prove a nuisance
(not least since I don't run MS Office). Can anyone recommend candidate
diagram-editing tools that might be useful for our specs? Linux, or
Windows, either would do.



Received on Friday, 14 September 2001 07:25:15 UTC