Re: question: URIs with & character

I want to confirm that the WG agrees to the test case in:

Is there any dissent?


Ron Daniel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just came across a case where I need to say something like:
>   <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
> Note the '&' character in the URI, which can't appear as
> such in the RDF document. So, what do we do about '&' and '<'
> characters appearing in the value of the rdf:about attribute?
> (Hmmm - probably '>' as well to be safe)
> Seems like we can:
> 1) Escape as &amp; and advise RDF applications or processors
>    that they will need to unescape such things. (Preferably
>    the RDF processor unescapes it before handing it off to
>    the calling application, says the guy developing applications
>    more than RDF parsers.)
> 2) Something else?
> BTW - This might be a good thing to throw into the test
> cases. Who can do that (or show me how to?)
> Ron

Received on Friday, 7 September 2001 09:13:39 UTC