Re: Test Case Results

On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 02:24:07PM +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
> > > rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0002.rdf
> > ======================================
> > 
> > Test has typo, last two lines of test0002.nt have subject:
> > <>
> > not the correct
> > <
> > g>
> This applies also to 0007.nt and possibly others too.  All the .nt
> ntriples results files need to be edited to handle the new URLs.

I'll add fixing these paths and file names to my list of test case 
cleanup.  [The .../rdfcore/...  path is missing in a bunch of .nt files.]

> > > rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0008.rdf
> > ======================================
> > 
> > This is interesting.
> > The URL is
> >
> test 8 contains an rdf:aboutEachPrefix and is thus now not in the
> RDF/XML language.  The file should be renamed as an error case or
> removed entirely (it does not test anything else that is not covered
> by other cases).

Based on the argument below, wouldn't rdf:aboutEachPrefix simply
have no meaning and be ignored?

> We have discussed 'illegal' rdf: attributes, elements before.  when I
> used similar words to describe what to do when such things were seen,
> the WG did not agree, so they were removed.  So as far as I recall we
> no just considered such things as having no defined meaning.
> At present, since we do not describe what applications do with
> RDF/XML (processing model), we cannot give any requirements on what
> to do with unknown or undefined tokens.  Since RDF systems are meant
> to deal with all sorts of things, they should be used to ignoring
> stuff they don't understand, which might be given a meaning by some
> system built with RDF.
> Thus Satoshi's example above is not disallowed.

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 09:56:10 UTC