Re: Test Case Results

I am checking ARP's results against the tests.
So far, on the four Aaron highlighted:


my view is as follows.

> rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema/test006.rdf

ARP 1.0.3 is incorrect, test looks OK to me. Will give further feedback once
I've fixed ARP.

> rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0002.rdf

Test has typo, last two lines of test0002.nt have subject:
not the correct

> rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0007.rdf

Test file  rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0007.nt missing triple:
<> <> "bar" .

> rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test0008.rdf

This is interesting.
The URL is

Satoshi Nakamura wrote:
> 4. rdf-ns for 'any' namespace uri.
> Is that legal that rdf-ns is used for propertyElt or typedNode?
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <x:foo xmlns:x="">
>   <rdf:foo xmlns:rdf=""/>
> </x:foo>
> Does this RDF/XML generate no triples or generate triples below ?
> <_:genid1> <>
> <> .
> <_:genid1> <> <_:genid2> .
> How about using rdf:Description instead of rdf:foo?

The test has an rdf:aboutEachPrefix, which for ARP is similar to Satoshi's
ARP behaves in two ways, both different from Dave's test. In default mode,
it generates triples like above; in strict mode it implements
and skips the entire element. (I take the URI in that paragraph to be a
typo!). In both cases it generates a message.

I do not believe we have discussed in any depth correct behaviour when
meeting unrecognised rdf attributes, and I have not seen any discussion
complaining about Para 196 and so suggest that we retain it. (well not the
words - just the meaning!).

Thus I would like to see the test case modified to generate only one triple:

<> <> "blah" .

I am open to a rewriting of para 196 with different semantics, but do not
see the need.


Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 08:36:01 UTC