Model Theory - minor nits

nitpickings (cringingly):

o table of contents numbering does not match section numbering

o section 1, para 2

  I was a little confused about what two sets were being discussed. 
  Move to later in the section?

o section 1, para 1

  The forward reference to RDFS and the 'trust me' the sets are well
  founded is a bit defensive.  Delete it, or move it later?

o section 1, para 13

  typo - missing bracket

  I(E) = true iff <I(s), I(o)> ...

o section 1, later

  a b c, c a a etc should be <a b c>, <c a a> for consistency

o section 1, 2nd last para

  typo - missing space

  I(<a bc>

o section 2, para before 2a

  typo "qua nodes"?

o section 2a, para 3

  Each arc (triple) labeled with <s p o>

  Arc's are labeled with p, not <s p o>, possibly:

  Each arc from node s to node o with label p ...

o section 5, para 2

  "germane to questions of bag identity"

  I'm confused by the bag identity stuff.  A bag is a resource which is
  identified by a URI, not by its contents.  Maybe equals, equivalence?
  Or am I missing the point here?

o section 5, para 3

  "containers are a series on IR"

  a series on IR union LV?




Received on Monday, 3 September 2001 13:51:17 UTC