Re: entailment test case etc001

>> I've written and tested
>> In there we use an experimental description (in n3, nt and rdf) [1]
>> and it runs with euler as
>>   jview Euler etc001.nt
>> Pat: are there use/mention bugs in
> OK, I havn't been taking this log:implies stuff seriously,
> but if I am forced to, then I cannot make sense of it.
> For example this example contains the triple
> _:a1 <> <> .
> Now, what kind of thing is the object of that triple? What kinds of
> things are in the extension of the property <http:....log#conjunction> ?

according to
   log:conjunction a rdf:Property;
       rdfs:label "conjunction";
       rdfs:domain log:List;
       rdfs:range  log:Formula;
       rdfs:comment """"A function to merge formulae: logical AND.

   The subject is a list of formulae.
   The object, which can be generated, is a formula containing a copy
   of each of the formulae in the list on the left.
so I have done it completely wrong, sorry for the confusion
the intention is to have
--> there is something, say _:a1
    and that something is the merge of a set of graphs
    identified by those URI's in object position
    (and then of course that merged graph entails a graph)


Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 07:02:23 UTC