Re: model theory and literals

>>Can I try to clarify what I think you're saying...
>>Different occurrences of a literal within a graph may map to
>>different values, but that these mappings are fixed, and may not
>>change when a different interpretation is used for the graph.
>Right, that is what I had in mind. However, Peter wants a slightly
>different notion, in which the interpretation *does* determine (or at
>any rate *can* determine) the literal mappings. This seems to amount
>to treating literals rather like bNodes with a kind of potential
>datatype constraint on them (that can be inferred from rdfs:range
>assertions in the graph, in Peter's scheme: see
>). I have to say, I don't like this myself. But maybe I will have to
>just shut up and go along with the crowd.

we consider them as identities which can be unified
in a very straightforward way (and actually also in
subject and predicate roles)


Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 18:46:29 UTC