Re: big issue (2001-09-28#13)

Graham Klyne wrote:
[... lots of stuff that I'd have to re-read in order
to comment intelligently on...]
> - Does it make sense for literals to have properties; e.g.
>    "Property string" --length--> "15"
> I think any such properties would be trivial, in the sense that they always
> can be determined by examination of the literal itself.  So, if prohibited,
> no expressive power is lost.

No, now that we've decided that existential quantification
is part of RDF, there *is* expressive power in properties
of literals (strings, XML content constants, ...):


	<> dc:title _:s.
	_:t charmod:lengthNumeral "15".

that's true in interpretations where the/a title of
the W3C home page is longer than 15 chars, and
false in other interpretations.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 18:56:51 UTC